tips for getting out of a book slump

Are you having a hard time motivating yourself to hit your end-of-year reading goal? Have you realized you haven’t picked up your book in over a week? Have you noticed that you’re stuck in a book slump, unsure of how to get out of it? Just about anyone has been able to relate to a book slump at one point or another, but that doesn’t make it any less frustrating when it happens. I am no expert, but I have had my fair share of book slumps as well, and have generated a short list of ways that I’ve been able to pull myself out in hopes that they may be helpful to anyone else stuck in the same situation.

Give yourself grace

It’s easy to fall into a self-deprecating mindset, or to feel like you’re not good enough when you’ve gotten stuck in a slump and you see people around you flying through books at a fast pace. It’s important to remember that you are not “less than” or a “bad reader” for being in a slump. There are a multitude of reasons why someone might fall into a slump, and being hard on yourself for falling into a natural lull will not help you get back to reading at a rate that you’re comfortable with. It’s perfectly normal and common to be in a book slump, and being kind to yourself will help you to pull yourself out of it.

DNF your book

This may be a harsh option, but I’ve found that a majority of the book slumps I’ve found myself in end up being when I’m reading a book that isn’t interesting me in the moment. There is NOTHING wrong with putting a pause on the book you’re reading and putting it back on the TBR shelf for another time. Maybe the themes, plotlines, or characters just aren’t doing it for you at this point in your life, but coming back to it later will give you the chance to enjoy it much more than if you force yourself to trudge through a book you’re having a hard time getting through.

Start an easier read

Do you have a go-to author or genre? Maybe you have a book that you’ve read before that you absolutely loved? Picking up a book with low-stakes is sometimes just what you need to get yourself back into the swing of things. Reading is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, so if you have a book you’ve read before that you’ve loved, let yourself experience it again!

Audiobooks are reading, too!

Sometimes a reading goal can feel overwhelming, or you may be struggling to find time to read in your day. Audiobooks can be a fantastic option for both of these scenarios – you’re still able to consume literature while also getting other things done, like housework or a long commute. Spotify provides 15 hours of audiobook reading of a select number of books for Premium users each month, and many local free libraries provide ebooks and audiobook services for free to individuals who have a library card. Another benefit of audiobooks: sometimes holding a large book in your hands and seeing how much you have left can feel overwhelming sometimes. With an audiobook, you aren’t in charge of picking up and physically reading the novel. You can increase or decrease the playback speed and multitask with other activities as well.

Give yourself a break

Sometimes you just need a break from anything, and reading is no exception. If you find yourself reading picking up your book, or reading is starting to feel like something you have to do rather than something you get to do, maybe you just need a break! Taking time to explore other hobbies or activities might be exactly what you need to remind yourself of the joys of reading, and when you come back to it, you will likely be so much more motivated to keep enjoying the books you love.

Regardless of the reason for the book slump, there are ways to help yourself get out of it in a caring and positive way. The most important thing to remember is that reading is meant to be FUN, and if it’s not making you feel good, it’s not worth doing. You are still a fantastic reader, even if that means you aren’t reading as much or as often as a peer (or as your previous self). Take care of yourself and your mind, and you will be back to reading in no time.

Https:// wrote this article — be sure to follow her on Instagram for more bookish content!


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