join the romance report team

the romance report is always looking for contributors to write reviews and articles. hopefully, this page will clear up all questions surrounding getting involved! but as usual, if you have any questions, then please do not hesitate to get in touch through instagram or email — both of which are linked below.

please note: i run the romance report for fun alongside managing my less exciting life responsibilities — i am a one person team! this means that sometimes it can take a little longer than i’d like to reply to messages but trust me, i will get back to you! in addition, all positions at the romance report are on a voluntary basis; no one is making any profit here. please keep this in mind when signing up!

thank you for considering getting involved,

jess (creator of the romance report) xx

what roles are available with the romance report?

at the minute, i am searching for people who are interested in writing romance book reviews and/or articles relating to the romance book industry (i have provided examples of the sort of content i am looking for below). there are two main ways that you can get involved with the romance report:

1) if you have a specific book you want to review or an article you want to write, the romance report wants to be the home for it! you can send me your idea— through email or the form below — and from there, we will discuss a rough timeline, the level of support you need from me and clarify any additional questions.

2) if you are looking for something a little more long-term, then you can sign up to be on the romance report writing team (again, please see the appropriate form below). this means that you will be writing reviews and/or articles on a more regular basis as opposed to just writing a one-off piece. in this role, you are more than welcome to come up with your own ideas, but i am happy to assist with this, too — i have a list of articles/ reviews that you can choose from if you’d prefer. i understand life can be busy, so please know that there is no set-in-stone amount of work you must produce/ timeline you must stick to; we can discuss your availability once you apply. this is a no-pressure zone!

why join the romance report?

as i’ve mentioned, the romance report is a passion project for me. currently, i cannot offer any monetary compensation in return for your written work. admittedly, we’re a little new around here, so why join?

first and foremost, the romance report is a place for you to get excited about books! maybe you don’t have anyone in your life to rant to about what you’re reading, or maybe you want to talk about an industry issue that you feel is important — the romance report was created with this in mind. my hope is that, over time, this becomes a platform full of opinions, discussions and meaningful discourse. i need you for that!

the romance report is also an opportunity to get your writing out there! i know firsthand how difficult it can be to find places to share your work or to join a writing team so i want the romance report to be your chance to do that. if you do decide to join, your work will be uploaded to the site with your name (it can be anonymous if you prefer, of course) and links to your social media/ways to contact you, as well as being shared to the romance report instagram. as this community grows, so will the exposure that the wonderful writers receive. you are also more than welcome to upload the pieces you write here to your personal blog if you have one.

who can join?

to put it simply, anyone! the only criteria for getting involved with the romance report is that you are a lover of romance books! you don’t need previous writing experience or any specific qualifications — you just need to be passionate! i will assist in the writing of the reviews/articles if needed and i also personally edit anything that is being uploaded to the site; it is a real team effort over here! i hope that you feel confident and supported throughout the process, regardless of your writing history.

all writing is done remotely; the romance report is open to every romance book lover in every country.

what type of content are the romance report looking for?

i am looking for reviews and articles all about romance books! i have listed some examples below, but these are just ideas; please don’t feel restricted by them.


  • the latest/ most talked about romance books

  • the book you picked up from your shelf and read on a whim

  • your favourite romance book

  • advanced reader copies (ARCs) - please feel free to list the romance report as a place where you review books when applying for ARCs. i am all about building hype around new romance releases, particularly from indie authors!


  • discussions on current/trending news — bestseller lists, social media controversies, new book announcements, book deals

  • author spotlight posts

  • indie author/ aspiring indie interviews

  • reading tips — how to get out of a slump, how to find the right book for you

  • your tbr/ most anticipated releases

  • specific book recommendations — summer reads, books based on songs, books within a specific trope

  • book influencer/ content creator recommendations and interviews

all written pieces should aim to be between 500-1500 words but this can be discussed on a case-by-case basis! like i said, no pressure at all.

how does the writing process work?

once you have applied to be on the writing team or submitted your article/review idea (see below), i will get in contact with you via email as soon as possible. from there, we will discuss your ideas for the piece/ assign you a piece to write, talk about the timeline you want to write it in (this is just so i have a rough idea of when to expect your work) and i will answer any questions you may have! once you’ve written it, you will send it back to me and i will lightly edit the writing. this is just to get a second set of eyes on it and to spot any amendments that might need to be made. When the piece is polished and you feel happy with it, i will upload it to the romance report and post links to the review/article on instagram. i encourage you to share it on your own social media channels too — including personal blogs. your work deserves to be seen!

how do i sign up?

thank you for wanting to get involved! please fill out the appropriate form below and i look forward to talking with you soon!

join the team!

submit an article/review idea!