love getting even by laura ives — an ARC review

An overview

overall rating: 4.5/5

spice level: 1/5

tropes: strangers-to-lovers, chosen proximity, leap of faith, friendship pact


I loved the premise of this book — a romance novel by Laura Ives — and I was excited when the ARC arrived in my inbox yesterday. I’m grateful to Laura and BookFunnel for giving me the opportunity to read this book before its release on the 24th of October, 2024. 

This book was so enjoyable, with characters that felt very real and recognisable. Perhaps it’s because I’m in my thirties, but I do love reading about characters of a similar age to me! It’s refreshing and adds depth to the story that I often don’t feel in books with younger characters. Katie is a strong, talented and kind FMC, and Tom is a chivalrous, intelligent and supportive MMC.

Their relationship journey was gorgeous to watch; the strangers-to-lovers trope is a new one for me, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Both Katie and Tom had suffered in their unfulfilling previous relationships and to see them come together and heal was wonderful. 

The banter between them was extremely funny, so if you like puns then you’re in for a treat! I love any book that has witty comebacks and snarky comments between love interests as it builds tension and highlights their chemistry without overly relying on spicy scenes. That said, the open door spice that was in the book was very well executed and definitely added to the story instead of detracting. You truly felt the need and desire of Katie and Tom through the pages - their want for closeness and a connection with somebody who valued and cared for them really shone through. 

Laura Ives eloquently described the adventures that Katie and Tom have (spoiler: they have lots of fun!) Her depiction of Italy was so evocative that it had me looking up the area on AirBnB! I am now desperate to go on a weekend away to Pisa and stay in the apartment they did. 

The only reason this isn’t a 5/5 read for me is because of the slight miscommunication trope — but that is a matter of personal preference. It is understandable as to why it happens and it does drive the story forwards, but it is my least favourite plot device. 

I would 100% recommend this novel to any romance reader. It is witty, sweet, entertaining and very relatable. It does deal with the subject of cheating though so please do be aware if this is a trigger for you. 

I’ll definitely be reading more from Laura Ives now. If Love Getting Even is anything to go by, I’m sure I will love it. 

Love Getting Even is due for release on 24th October. Thank you again to Laura Ives and BookFunnel for providing me with an Advanced Reader Copy.

This review was written by Jess, who you can follow on Instagram here:


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