welcome to the romance report!

hi! i’m jess land (@thatromancebook on instagram) and i’m the creator of the romance report. i thought i’d take a little time to tell you about me and my plans for this platform. thank you for taking the time to be here; i could not appreciate you and your support more.

i have been a book lover for as long as i can remember, with my preferred genre being romance, of course. i love talking to/at anyone who will listen about the books i’m reading, but sometimes, finding people who share the passion in real life can be difficult. this is why the online book community is so important.

i made the romance report with this in mind. my hope is that, over time, this can become a hub of reviews, recommendations, discussions and overall romance book-related excitement. i want the romance report to highlight indie and aspiring authors, new books, old books and everything in between — there is something for everyone here.

when i’m not reading, you can find me at university studying creative writing and publishing. my love of writing and desire to work with books are also driving forces behind the creation of the romance report. i understand first-hand how difficult it can be to get yourself out there and to build your experience/portfolio. therefore, every romance lover, regardless of previous experience or qualifications, is welcome to write an article/review on this platform — whether that be just for fun, or as a way to demonstrate your skills/passions when applying for opportunities in the future.

i have big plans for the romance report and i’d love for you to be a part of it. here’s to endless love stories and more happy ever afters.