figuring out romance bookstagram — tips and tricks

If you’re reading this, you’re likely in the same spot that I was just a few months ago. I wanted to make an Instagram that I could use to connect with other book lovers and share my reviews, recommendations, and thoughts with others who were just as obsessed with romance novels as I am! I finally took the leap on July 29th, created my account and made my first post.

Since that day, I’ve made plenty of posts that I’m proud of, gained over a thousand followers, and made countless friends who love books as much as I do. Most importantly of all, I’ve found a feeling of success and self-confidence that only comes from working towards a goal and achieving it! So, if you’re thinking of starting a bookstagram (or you already have one and are trying to grow) here are a few tips, from someone who has been (and still is in!) your position:

Be consistent

All social media sites are more willing to push your content to others if you post regularly and consistently. If you’re posting consistently, Instagram is more likely to suggest your posts and account to others with similar interests. Even if your “consistent” looks like one post a week, sharing on a regulated schedule will help Instagram’s “algorithm” recognize and share your account with others!

Be real

People can absolutely tell when you’re not being genuine. If you truly care about what you’re posting, it will be obvious to someone who’s seeing your post for the first time.

Find your niche

Are you great at making reels? Do you like taking beautifully framed photos of your book stacks or flatlays? Or are you better with creating graphics and edits? It’s awesome to experiment with your posts, but if you find something that you enjoy creating, run with it! If you like the posts that you’re making, it will be so much easier to be consistent with posting, even on days where you aren’t feeling as encouraged.

Engage with others

In the same way that you want engagement on your posts, other people do too! Whether you’re throwing likes around like confetti, commenting your favorite parts of someone’s post, or curating a collection of posts you love on your story, people will recognize and appreciate when you are engaging with them and will be more likely to want to engage with you as well. Plus, this is an easy way to make connections and friends through your page!

Ultimately, a high follower count or high likes counts are not what social media and Bookstagram are all about. That being said, it’s still encouraging to make connections with others and to know that other people like what you’re sharing! As long as you are enjoying what you do with your bookstagram and you’re being kind to others, that’s what matters.

This post was written by — be sure to follow her on Instagram for more bookish content!


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