starting a bookish podcast — a conversation with @serysbookspace

From BookTube to Bookstagram, book lovers have carved out a space online where books, authors and readers alike are supported. Through pictures of colourful stacks and reels filled with recommendations, this community has made it their mission to spread bookish love to everyone — Sery is no exception to this, and I had the joy of speaking to her about it recently. 

Sery, who can be found @serysbookspace on Instagram, is a bookstagrammer who shares beautifully curated posts on Instagram about the books she is reading amongst other things. She started her account after watching, and finding comfort in, book-related content online on both Instagram and YouTube, as many of us do. It was through doing this that she was inspired to take the plunge and give content creation a go for herself. 

Since then, she has rediscovered the love for reading that she once felt as a teenager obsessed with Twilight — we’ve all been there — and has become an active part of the community, dedicating herself to reading ARCs (advanced reader copies), supporting indie authors' book campaigns, making friends, being an ambassador for small businesses, supplying her followers with endless TBR additions and most recently, making a podcast. 

'Sery's Book Space' is a podcast made for readers and authors equally — it’s for all of us! Sery created it as a way for readers to connect over their mutual love of books, but she is also extremely passionate about promoting less widely-known works by indie authors, some of which have become her all-time favourite reads after discovering them through her content online. Because of this, we can expect guest episodes starring these authors (but Stephanie Meyer, if you are reading this then you know what to do) and also episodes with our favourite Bookstagram faces! There will be a whole host of other content as well including thoughts on recent/current reads, news on upcoming releases, hot takes and deep dives into bookish topics. There is so much to look forward to and I can’t wait to listen to every episode. 

Starting a Bookstagram can feel scary for many different reasons. It’s one of those things that many of us sat and thought about for a while before we actually did it but sometimes, you just need to take the leap! I asked Sery what advice she would give to someone considering starting a book-related social media account and she shared this same sentiment. She also added that you should make an account because you want to; don’t go into it with the main goal of getting likes and gaining followers — do it because you love books and love talking to others about them! I couldn’t agree more.

From my own time on Bookstagram, I have had the privilege of talking to some truly wonderful people, including Sery. People like her, who go above and beyond to support all of us in our bookish endeavours and have the confidence to branch out by following their passions, are who make this community so meaningful. We came here for books, but we have found friends, fallen in love with characters, left our worries aside for a second and, most importantly, spent way too much money on our TBRs. That is something to celebrate. 

Sery’s podcast — Sery’s Book Space — is currently available to listen to on Spotify and will hopefully be available on more platforms in the future! Please click the link to go and support, no one deserves the love more.

You can also follow her on Instagram here -

This article was written by Jess. You can follow her here for more bookish content —

Jess (@thatromancebook)

the creator of the romance report!


figuring out romance bookstagram — tips and tricks